The 15th Edition of Porto Marathon will take place in November 4th 2018 at 9:00. The start line and finish line for the Marathon runners will be at Queimódromo (next to Parque da Cidade do Porto).


There will be three races: a walk with a distance of 6 km aimed at all age groups and non-competitive, a race distance of 42.195 km for federated and non-federated athletes born in 1998 and earlier and a race distance of 15 km for federated and non-federated athletes born in 2000 and earlier.


Fun Race – 6 km
Family Race – 15 km
Maratona – 42,195 km


The Marathon is an organization of Runporto.com, Lda.
With his headquarters at Rua António Silva Torres 128 4475-455 Nogueira da Maia, Portugal, with the support of:

• Câmara Municipal do Porto
• Federação Portuguesa de Atletismo
• Porto Lazer
• Associação de Atletismo do Porto
• Conselho Regional de Arbitragemda AAP
• Polícia de Segurança Pública
• Câmara Municipal de Vila Nova de Gaia
• Câmara Municipal de Matosinhos


Following the rules of I.A.A.F. it will be available water supplies since the Kms 5 and each 5 Kms as well as sponges and solid supplies during the race. The water supplies may increase through the race, if the weather conditions change.


6.1 – Price of registration:

Porto Marathon | 42.195 km

• Until July 31 - € 45.00
• Until August 31 - € 55.00
• Until October 30 - € 65.00
• Last Minute EXPO - € 80.00

Note:Limit of 7500 participants

VIP marathon

• 30 October - € 100.00

With your VIP membership will have the following advantages:

• Dorsal Sub-Elite
• Start in the First Line
• Park in the Arrival area
• Access to VIP area
• Wardrobe in the VIP area
• Lunch in the VIP area
• SMS Results

Family Race | 15 km

• Until August 31 - € 10.00
• Until October 30 - € 13.00
• Last Minute EXPO - 20,00 €

Note:Limit of 7500 participants

Fun Race | 6 km

• Until September 30 - 5,00 €
• Until October 30 - € 6.00
• Last Minute EXPO - € 10.00

Note:Limit of 10,000 participants

6.2 – You can do your registration:

• Online Application in www.maratonadoporto.com.

6.3 – Limit of Admissions is 25,000 total participants of the event.

6.4 – The kits of participant will be delivered:

Centro de Congressos da Alfandega do Porto – November 2nd and 3rd from 10h to 19h.
No kits will be delivered at no other time in addition to those appointed.

6.4.1 – Documentation required for lifting the bib number/race number:

Confirmation of registration with the bib number.
Personal identification, Citizen Card, Driving License or Passport.

6.5 – Regarding the safety of participants will not be allowed to participate athletes on bicycles, accompanied by animals, skateboards or skates.

6.6 – Under current legislation the invoice must be requested no later than the fifth day after the date of payment. Please provide us the number of taxpayer.

Information: Tel 220304726 (10h-19h), and in www.maratonadoporto.com geral@runporto.com.

6.7 – The organization may at any time suspend or extend the deadlines, can also add or limit the number of entries available, depending on technical/security issues or structural needs and availabilities, without notice.

6.8 – Online registrations have 72 hours to make payment. After these 72 hours the registrations are canceled for nonpayment. All paid registrations after this period will be returned with a penalty of € 1.50. You should claim the situation by email for: geral@runporto.com until 30 days after the event.

You can still complete the registration in case the maximum limit of entries has not been reached yet. The payment of the registration fee should be completed at the time of the request, and please contact the organization to: geral@runporto.com.

Information: Tel +351220304726 (10h-19h), in www.maratonadoporto.com and geral@runporto.com.


Marathon 42.195 km | Born 1998 and earlier | Time: 9h00m
Family Race 15 km | Born 2000 and earlier | Time: 9h00m
Fun Race 6 km | For all ages | Time: 10:30


8.1 – There will be equal presence prizes for all participants.

8.2 – The sizes of t-shirts will be distributed according to the requests made at the counter when you collect the kit. The stock of t-shirts is distributed according to the availability. In case of rupture of stock in any size, the organization proposes an alternative to the participant size. The organization does not solicit the desired size on the registration form.

8.3 – The “finisher” t-shirt from Asics will be delivered at the end of the race for all participants on the marathon.


The organization will provide to the participants of the Marathon and 15 km Family Race a wardrobe service. At Queimódromo (near the finish line) the participants can deliver their bags and collect it later. The bags should be labeled with the number of your bib number. Do not keep loose objects (eg. Jacket, helmet, cell phone, etc.). The organization assumes no responsibility for any loss of property.


Fun Race: Has no ratings, is a race of pure living.
Family Race: There will be cash prizes for the top 3 men and top three women veterans and senior men and women
Marathon: Individual ratings for athletes: senior male and female veterans M35-M40-M45-M50-M55-M60 and F35-F40-F45-F50-F55-F60 veterans.

Race is timed with the electronic system Runporto - MyLaps.
Chip - Electronic Detection System
All athletes of the Marathon 42.195 km and 15 km Family Race should use the chip provided in the athlete’s kit. The chip is coded to the athlete, is not transferable. The chip reading will only occur if it is placed as directed. The organization is not responsible for the failure of an earnings resulting from the misplacement of the chip. The organization will disqualify all athletes that: 1. Run with more than one chip 2. Run with a chip of another athlete.


Will be available at www.maratondoporto.com the electronic diploma for all participants in the Marathon 42.195 km and 15 km Family Race.

12 – JURI

The Jury of proof is the responsibility of the Regional Arbitration Association Athletics of Porto.


13.1 – Medical assistance will be available during the course, start and finish of the race.

13.2 – May only follow the race the vehicles from organization and identifying vehicles of P.S.P.


• No control at the start.
• Not fulfill entirety the route.
• Do not take the race number to the chest and visible during the race.
• Falsify any information on your application.
• Run with the dorsal on incorrect terms.
• Fail to comply with the instructions of the organization.
• Run for up rides.


Omissions in this Regulation, shall be resolved in accordance with the General Regulations of Competitions of the Portuguese Athletics Federation.


Presentation of protests - Any complaints must be submitted in writing on the letterhead of the club, to the jury of the evidence up to 10 minutes after the end of the race, along with the importance of € 100,00 (one hundred euros), which will be returned if the protest is accepted (according to the rules of the IAAF, International Association of Athletics Federations and the FPA, Portuguese Athletics Federation)


The organization of the event, will make a nominal sport insurance to all participants according to the legal regime of compulsory sports insurance - decree law nº10 / 2009.

In case of accident, the athlete should contact the organization of the event so that it can arrange the referral to the insurer. To start a process it is necessary for the athlete to be attended by the team that does the medical follow-up during the event, without prejudice to the athletes being later referred to another emergency medical unit.

It is reserved to the insurer the investigation of the facts presented and its respective performance in conformity with the deferral or not of the activation request of the insurance.


The main event, Marathon 42.195 km, will have a maximum duration of six hours.


19.1 – The right of acceptance of entries is reserved to organize.

19.2 – By entering, all participants agree with this Regulation and in case of doubt or emergence situation, you should inform the organization.


Participants may be subject to perform an analysis of doping control.


All data collected in the registration process are kept and treated in a safe manner and are intended for the natural development of the event namely; validation of the nominal insurance made for all participants in the event, list of registrants and elaboration of results / classification tables. In addition, important information about the participation in the event as well as communications of future events will be sent.

All participants may exercise their right to access, rectify or cancel their personal data by sending an e-mail to geral@runporto.com.


The participant, to proceed to the registration authorizes the transfer of free and unconditional rights to use of their image captured during filming that will take place during the event, allowing its reproduction on parts communicational support.


23.1 – Cancellation

Applications for cancellation of registration will be accepted until October 26th, with no refund of the registration fee.

In case of injury or illness, the organization will refund 50% of the cost of registration, and it is necessary to send the application for cancellation of registration with the presentation of a valid medical certificate to geral@runporto.com. These exceptional requests will be accepted until October 4 for all registrations made on regular terms outside of the Christmas promotional campaign.

23.2 – Transfer

The request to transfer the registration to a third participant must be asked by e-mail to geral@runporto.com, through the same e-mail address that is associated with the registration account.

Applications for transfer of registration will be accepted until October 4 and are subject to the payment of an administrative fee of € 15.

This request does not give any right for refund to the person who gives the registration.

23.3 – Alterations

Proposed changes will be accepted within the Porto Marathon program (42k, 15k, 6k) until October 4. There will be no reimbursement from the organization if the registration to be changed is more expensive.

Requests to change the edition of the event will be accepted, passing the registration for the next year. These applications will be accepted until October 4, with an administrative fee of 15 €.


The cancellation of the event can occur duo to external factores to the organization: Natural disasters, strikes, manifestations, inability to use routes traffic circulation, inability to use telecommunications, government restrictions, new legislation. In any of these cases, the organization reserves the right within 30 days following the date for the event to give an explanation about the actions to be taken regarding the cancellation.
